Thursday, 30 August 2007

Moxtherian Spade Dance

Part Two in "The Beginner's Guide to Moxtherianism". A spade-dancing routine dating back to the mid-Moxtherian period. Note the cigarette, hallmark of the True Moxtherian Spade Dance.


Bic Biros & Moldova said...

It's a shame this doesn't include the 'circumdancing of the spade' in which the dancer/participant dances around the spade, using it as a pivot, while holding it upright with one of their hands.

Although I really ought ta know is the choice of music important to preserving the dance's traditions?
I mean does it have to be Gershwinesque?

Jack Gander said...

Yes, yes and yes.

Bic Biros & Moldova said...

All we need is you & me running with a tent and then we've got an excellent bit of work: we just need the running with tent.

Jack Gander said...

The running with tent, you say? Well, we'll have that, the running with tent.